

  • Make sure to wear comfy clothes with layers in case you get cold or hot! You can bring something to drink and snacks, but we also have water, seltzers and snackies here for you to enjoy :) Make sure to have your license! We take all forms of credit/debit payment, as well as cash, of course.

  • Absolutely! Just keep in mind that watching someone get tattooed is VERY BORING. And artist stations can be kind of cramped, so we wouldn’t recommend bringing all of your friends.

  • For the week leading up to the tattoo, make sure to have healthy habits. Your skin is your largest organ, so it reflects what you do and what you consume. Get plenty of sleep and eat well! Make sure you are moisturizing your skin leading up to the tattoo, especially during the winter. On the day of your appointment, drink plenty of water and eat big meals!

  • Our number one rule with this is to use common sense. Listen to your body as well. If you are doing exercise that is rubbing or uncomfortable for the tattoo, you may want to hold off on that for awhile. Also know that gyms are risky for open wounds! Be very careful exposing your fresh tattoo to gym equipment. Sweat is fine for tattoos, but it can be drying, so make sure to clean sweat off and moisturize after exercising.

  • This is a controversial one in the tattoo community. At NITF, we are advocates for numbing cream/lidocaine products as long as you do your research. The only numbing cream that we are familiar with is Tattoo Numbing Cream Company. Clients have had varied success with it, and feel free to call us to chat about it.

    There are several warnings that can be made about numbing cream in general, though, and if you are using any numbing product, it may affect the quality of the tattoo result, or even cause issues with healing. If you are using any numbing product, we HIGHLY recommend that you test the product on a small spot of your skin at least a few days prior to your appointment. If you get any sort of irritation, wash it off immediately and DO NOT USE THE PRODUCT!!! Most numbing products also use epinephrine, which can be EXTREMELY HARMFUL or FATAL to certain populations. DO YOUR RESEARCH!